BSCA Results:
Tracking (pdf)
Herding (pdf)
Scentwork (pdf)
Agility (pdf)
Obedience (pdf)
Rally (pdf)
Sweepstakes (pdf)
Regional (pdf)
Friday Conformation (pdf)
Saturday Conformation (pdf)
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Judge: Peri Norman Nishikawa
GCH CH Querido De La Terre Sauvage
- Owner(s): Shawn Petersen
- Breeder(s): Agnes Visine Gombar
Maggray’s Extra Pepper Please
- Owner(s): Teresa Mrus
- Breeder(s): Teresa Mrus
Select Dog
GCHB CH Adagio’s In The Dark Of The Night Del Oso CGC TKN
- Owner(s): Lynn M Black
- Breeder(s): Anna McArtor
Select Bitch
CH Mika Ultraviolet Liswyn PT CA BCAT DSA RAT-N TKI ATT
- Owner(s): Shelly Brosnan, Kathy Sutton DVM and Lisa Leffingwell
- Breeder(s): Kathy Sutton DVM and Kathy Greenwood
GCH CH Allure’s Kindred Spirit RN HSAs RATN CGC
- Owner(s): Carol R Morris & Donald Morris & Kayla M Savory
- Breeder(s): Carol R Morris & Donald Morris & Kayla M Savory
GCH CH Liswyn’s Gamora Mika at Verseau
- Owner(s): Lisa Leffingwell & Kathy Sutton
- Breeder(s): Lisa Leffingwell & Kathy Sutton
TakiShan Mandalorian This Is The Way
- Owner(s): Bruce Freedman and Lori Goldstrom
- Breeder(s): Bruce Freedman and Lori Goldstrom
Performance Events
High in Trial Herding 1
Reverie’s Gold Verbena HSDs HIDs HSAsM CGC
- Owner(s): Melinda Galt, Jill Miller
- Breeder(s): Jill Miller
Reserve High in Trial Herding 1
Sarron Dreams Of Reverie HSAs HSDs
- Owner(s): Jill Miller, Sherri Swabb, Melinda Galt
- Breeder(s): Sherri Swabb
High in Trial Agility 1
MACH5 Dark Diamond De Tizin Tychka
- Owner(s): Nici and Jeff Parker
- Breeder(s): Pascal & Irene Mauroux-Kudelski
High Combined in Trial Agility 1
Liswyn Demitasse Lomeria CA DCAT DM DSX TKI NFP
- Owner(s): Shelly Brosnan
- Breeder(s): Lisa Leffingwell, Kay Fewell Wilkerson
High in Trial Agility 2
Spitfires Grand Prix Party in April AX AXJ OF
- Owner(s): Dr. JoAnn Boyer and Carl Tofflemire
- Breeder(s): ?
High Combined in Trial Agility 2
Spitfires Grand Prix Party in April AX AXJ OF
- Owner(s): Dr. JoAnn Boyer and Carl Tofflemire
- Breeder(s): ?
Preferred High in Trial Agility 1
AGCH MACH17 Gliding High Du Volant
- Owner(s): Nici and Jeff Parker
- Breeder(s): Chris Libs
Preferred High Combined in Trial Agility 1
- Owner(s):
- Breeder(s):
Preferred High in Trial Agility 2
Isengards Quick Soffrito TKI
- Owner(s): Sherylene McDonald
- Breeder(s): Lorra Miller
Preferred High Combined in Trial Agility 2
Isengards Quick Soffrito
- Owner(s): Sherylene McDonald
- Breeder(s): Lorra Miller
High in Trial Obedience
Wizards Evergreen from Liswyn
- Owner(s): Linda Rolf
- Breeder(s): Linda Rolf
High Combined Rally
Uniquity’s CR Falunted Freedom CD RM BCAT CGC TKN
- Owner(s): Coleen Scott & Jordan Philpott
- Breeder(s): Jordan Philpott
Triple High Combined Rally
Uniquity’s CR Falunted Freedom CD RM BCAT CGC TKN
- Owner(s): Coleen Scott & Jordan Philpott
- Breeder(s): Jordan Philpott
Uniquity’s CR Falunted Freedom CD RM BCAT CGC TKN
- Owner(s): Coleen Scott & Jordan Philpott
- Breeder(s): Jordan Philpott
Celebration of Life
no winner