Outstanding Sportsmanship Award
The nominations for the Outstanding Sportsmanship Award should be submitted to the Corresponding Secretary (or designated officer) by the deadline specified.
Outstanding Sportsmanship Form (pdf)
Outstanding Sportsmanship Form (docx)
New Titles
Did you get any new titles in the past year?
Submit your titles via this form New Title Form
All New Titles submissions must be done ONLINE.
Deadline for submissions is February 1st of each year.
AKC titles get a medallion.
Non-AKC titles get an embossed certificate.
* Must be a BSCA Member Owner or Co-Owner
Hall of Fame (HOF) Awards
Performance Hall of Fame – Agility, Herding, Obedience and Rally (pdf)
Breed Hall of Fame – Conformation and Owner Handler (pdf)
Registry of Merit (ROM) Awards
Working Dog Awards
Versatility Award
What is the Versatility Award that is offered at the BSCA National Specialty? How do I enter? What does my dog need to do? What does it cost? Versatility Award – Past, Present and Future (pdf)
Requirements – Participants in the Versatility Award must sign up, online only, BEFORE the closing date of the regular class entries. Information will be provided in the Premium list and/or Specialty Information Booklet and/or on the BSCA specialty Website, so sufficient “participant” certificates are available. For the awards requirements download this document.
Enter using the Specialty Performance Awards Form
The Celebration of Life Award
Please use the Specialty Performance Awards Form to register.
You can find more information about the award here: Celebration of Life (pdf) or at this page.
National Performance Award
Please use the Specialty Performance Awards Form to register.
This page describes the performance awards given at the National Specialty and their requirements.
OFA Champions for Health
In 2006, the OFA announced the creation and sponsorship of the “Champion For Health” award. The concept began in January of ’05 when the OFA website featured the AKC BIS winning Bloodhound, Ch. Heather’s Knock On Wood who had not only just won one of America’s most prestigious shows, but had a full complement of health certifications as well. Each club that participates in CHIC is eligible to nominate three dogs for this award annually.
Nominations due March 15 of each year. The award will be announced and given at the BSCA’s Annual Awards banquet.
OFA Champions for Health Form (pdf)
OFA Champions for Health Form (docx)