AKC Standard
Legs – length and substance well proportioned to the size of the dog. Bone oval rather than round. Legs are parallel to each other.
Thighs – broad and heavily muscled. The upper and lower thigh bones approximately parallel the shoulder blade and upper arm respectively, forming a relatively sharp angle at stifle joint. The angle at the hock is relatively sharp, although the Belgian Sheepdog does not have extreme angulation. Metatarsus medium length, strong and slightly sloped. Dewclaws, if any, should be removed.
Feet – slightly elongated. Toes curved close together, well padded. Nails strong and black, except that they may be white to match white toe tips.

The thigh should be wide and well muscled with moderately angulated hindquarters in balance with the shoulder. The hock should be set low to the ground for balance and efficient movement, and should be moderately bent. The Belgian Sheepdog has balanced moderate angulation throughout, and is not a dog of extremes or straightness. The pasterns are short but very slightly sloped. The feet should be closed front and rear, with the front feet resembling a cat’s paw, and the rear feet slightly elongated.