AKC Standard
Color Black. May be completely black, or may be black with white, limited as follows: Small to moderate patch or strip on forechest. Between pads of feet. On tips of hind toes. On chin and muzzle (frost may be white or gray). On tips of front toes–allowable, but a fault. Disqualification Any color other than black, except for white in specified areas. Reddening due to climatic conditions in an otherwise correct coat should not be grounds for disqualification.
The color of the Belgian Sheepdog along with coat type distinguishes this breed from the other Belgian breeds. It is essential that the Belgian Sheepdog have a black coat, with white in the designated areas permitted. White is permitted on the forechest, between the pads of the feet, and on the tips of the hind toes. Grey or white frost is permitted on the muzzle, and is not a sign of aging. It is often seen in puppies at birth. White on the forechest should be a small to moderate patch. Several white patches, or patches on the neck or belly, are to be severely penalized. White on the rear toes is allowed, but white on the front toes is a fault and should be penalized. White in any other area should be severely penalized. Any color other than black is cause for disqualification.
Black dogs have a common problem; they may have a tendency to get sunburned in the heat of summer. This condition is seasonal and should not be confused with poor pigmentation in an otherwise proper coat. Deviation from pure black on guard hairs is a fault to the extent that it is present, but is not reason to disqualification.
Clarification of Color