We are dedicated to promoting, preserving, and protecting our Belgian Sheepdogs.

Breeder’s Directory and Frozen Semen List

The breeders in the directory below will be happy to answer your questions concerning the breed. Litters are announced on our Litter Announcements page.

If you do not find someone in your state or area, contact our Corresponding Secretary or please consider a rescue dog.

The Breeders’ Directory is open May 1st to July 31st each year to BSCA members in good standing who re-sign the Code of Ethics as a symbol of their understanding of its requirements. A fee of $25.00 is charged to join the Breeders’ Directory.

Please send contact information and payment for submission to the Breeders Directory and/or Frozen Semen List to Corresponding Secretary.

Submissions will be posted shortly after the July 31st deadline.

The following codes indicate what services the individual breeders usually have available:


(P) Puppies
(A) Adult Breeding Stock
(S) Stud Services
(B) Boarding
(G) Grooming
(T/c) Training(conformation)
(T/o) Training(obedience)
(T/a) Training (agility)
(T/e) Training (other)

Frozen Semen List

The Stored Semen List is open from May 1st to July 31st each year to BSCA members in good standing who re-sign the Code of Ethics each year as a symbol of their understanding its requirements. A fee of $10.00 is charged to join the Stored Semen List.

The frozen semen list is found below the Breeder’s Directory.

Code of Ethics

The BSCA Code of Ethics requires breeders to x-ray their breeding stock and have their eyes checked annually. The issues of interest to Belgians that OFA currently certifies are eyes, hips, elbows, thyroids, patellas, and cardiac disease.

Read an explanation of the certification process for the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), as well as find a searchable data base.



Breeder’s Directory




Terri Ann Votava
254 Old Ellijay Rd. East
Dahlonega, GA 30533
Phone: 706-864-0767
Email: sansbranco@windstream.net
» Visit Website
(P, A, S)

New Hampshire


In 1971 my first Belgian climbed into my lap and chewed on my braids.

I fell in love with this marvelous breed and when no one would sell me a pick bitch ‘just for agility’, in 1989 I decided to breed my own.

Sure enough the little girl clever enough to figure out how to scale the side of the whelping box, curious enough to explore the world outside it, who wanted to be where I was – became my agility dog. She will leap in my heart forever.

Puppies are raised using the Super Dog (Carmen Battaglia) methods; introduced to clicker; taught a whistle recall and how to walk on a leash all before they leave here at 8 weeks of age.

I do minimal vaccinations following Dr. Jean Dodds (HEMOPET) recommended protocol for our breed. Hip, elbow, eye, and thyroid clearances provided for the parents. AKC Breeder of Merit.

Tina (Ernestine) Bayer
PO Box 364
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: 603-778-9458 c 603-557-3056
Email: DoeRunBelgians@myfairpoint.net
(P, A, T/c, S)


New York


Welcome to Poetry’s Bend Belgian Sheepdogs. My name is Susan Reed Davis and I have been actively involved in Belgian Sheepdogs since the purchase of my first Belgian Sheepdog in June of 2013. I have been mentored since 2013 by long time Belgian Breeder and BSCA Judges Mentor, Julia Fiechter of Morningstar BSD’s. My goal as a breeder is to produce a healthy and stable Belgian Sheepdog that exudes strong Breed type. With much support, long time Best in Show breeder, Heike Wehrle of Inchallah BSD’s trusted me with “Alonna” when she was just 12 weeks of age. Alonna is now GCH Inchallah’s Alonna of Poetry’s Bend CGC TKN ACT2 DNA FMD NAP NJP NFP, and is a two-time invitee to the North American Diving Dogs National Championship Invitational. In 2021 Alonna was awarded an Award of Merit at the Prestigious Westminster Kennel Club. Alonna was my foundation bitch with 2 successful litters on the ground. She has produced multiple HIT performance offspring as well as conformation champions and Group Placers. Our next litter plans are for summer 2025. We can’t wait to meet you!

Susan Reed Davis
Owego, NY 
Phone: 904-891-4782
Email: sreedsreed@gmail.com
» Visit Website
(P, A, T/c)




I’ve had Belgian Sheepdogs and have been a BSCA member since 2002. I’ve competed in conformation many performance sports, from herding, obedience, rally and agility to more newer sports like Barn Hunt, NASDA, and Dock Diving. Along the way, my dogs have been successful enough to be invited to several prestigious Invitation-only events.

I primarily enjoy helping people find breeders that could have potential performance adult dog partners and puppies. I truly enjoy discussing Belgian Sheepdogs with interested people.


Shelly Brosnan
Phone: 503-302-4604
Email: 3busydogs@gmail.com (preferred method of contact)




Mary Grace Buckwalter and Emily Buckwalter
Ambler, PA
Phone: 215-643-3781
Email: mbuckwalter@verizon.net




Adagio Belgians is a small kennel in Central Texas.

All of our dog and puppies live inside our home with us. Our children love taking the dogs on family adventures, so we prioritize breeding sound, stable companions who make confident and biddable partners for conformation showing, performance, morning jogs in the neighborhood and wonderful family pets.

Anna McArtor
PO Box 4212
Austin, TX 78765
Phone: 512-431-7009
Email: anna.mcartor@outlook.com
Website: » Visit Website



Mawrmyth, a Belgian Sheepdog (Groenendael) kennel, devoted to the breed, located in the Houston, TX area, has been breeding and showing since the early 1970’s.

Mawrmyth is a small kennel based on quality, and it has been producing carefully bred show, performance and pet puppies from outstanding Belgian Sheepdogs from generations of champions.

Our dogs show balanced elegance, soundness and expression.

Puppies are PAT and PP tested.

I am also the Editor of the Belgian Sheepdog Handbooks, Vol I, II & III.

Marcy Spalding
253 Bryn Mawr Circle
Houston, TX 77024
Phone: 713-461-6679
Email: Mawrmyth@aol.com
(P, A, S, T/c)


Frozen Semen List

New Hampshire


Tina (Ernestine) Bayer
PO Box 364
Stratham, NH 03885
Phone: 603-778-9458 c 603-557-3056
Email: DoeRunBelgians@myfairpoint.net




Doug and Lynne Butterworth
Klamath Falls, OR
Phone: 918-688-5343 c/t
Email: dlbutterworth@charter.net
Email: lbutterworthapr@hotmail.com

Registered Name: Pacific Star’s Autumn Storm
Titles as of 6/1/24: BOSS GCH CH Pacific Star’s Autumn Storm SEN SCN SIN PT HT BCAT FDC CGC TKN FMD UL-1
Call name: “Stormy”
AKC Reg: DN60524701
DOB: 10/20/2019

Available for live cover, chilled or frozen shipped
Information and pedigree: Stormy

updated: 9/7/2024